Block 987: April 6, 2016



It’s Wednesday… Halfway through the week.

Date: April 6, 2016

Crane: 987

Days Spent on Project: 1141

Location: NW Portland, OR

Person I would have sent it to: TBD

Music I listened to while sewing: No music today, unfortunately. It’s pretty quiet in the shop today…

Thoughts/Feelings behind the block: One day at a time.

Mike, just take it one day at a time.

Today I need to remind myself that it’s all about one step at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, one second, one project, one person at a time. It’s all about taking it as it comes. Don’t get ahead of yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We’re allowed to fail and make mistakes.

Sometimes you mess up. Sometimes you don’t quite get want you want. Sometimes it doesn’t work out.

But you can’t stop.

Just one day, one evening, one obstacle. That’s all.

There’s no problem being human. There’s nothing wrong with being imperfect.

But keep taking it one day at a time.

My half-scale dress form showed up today at work and I’m incredibly excited to have it. I spent a lot of time walking around the theater, showing it off like a proud parent, talking about how cool it was. Think of the possibilities.

It makes me think of new challenges and new ideas and new opportunities. I know I can drape rudimentarily. I know I can try. I know I have the desire. I won’t be perfect or great when I start.

But I want to try and I have the desire and I am excited and, like staring at a blank canvas, I see so many things to tackle.

What should I start with?

One day at a time.


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