Block 487: October 13, 2014


A little fuzzy today with my picture-taking skills…

Date: October 13, 2014

Crane: 487

Days Spent on Project: 602

Location: NW Portland, OR

Person I would have sent it to: On our walks west, towards Central Park, my dog liked one specific path in the morning. He had been trained, not by me, to go these routes; he had been trained by the series of places along the way that would offer him treats.

Between Madison and Fifth, on 77th Street, there was (and still is) a 5 star hotel called the St. Marks. The doormen there know to keep a box of treats available for any dogs (and their owners who follow alongside them) that might cross their path. My dog, even though he isn’t really motivated by food (he’s a French Bulldog, he’s motivated by only what he wants to do), quickly learned that any of the men standing outside those doors would gladly run into the lobby and bring out a dog biscuit for him.

I would usually be dressed in my finest early morning, dog-walking outfit (in other words, not too stylish) as The Dog would suddenly pull ahead of me and want to greet the guys at the door. He would usually, after his biscuit, like to sit with them and stand guard… just like they were doing.

As much as New York isn’t the dog-friendliest environment, I have to say they do learn to accept that life and those surroundings as their normal; my dog knew a part of his daily activities were to get biscuits and neck rubs from people on the Upper East Side… all in exchange for some guard-dogging.

Anyway, those guys deserve a thanks, if only for the consistent pampering they gave my pooch, you know?

Music I listened to while sewing: I’m again listening to ElectroPositivity on Spotify. I’m trying to soothe my way through this Monday, instead of slogging through…

Thoughts/Feelings behind the block: I could use a nap right now. There’s nothing going on in the costume shop today (one person has already left for the day, and I’m thinking we might leave by 5), and this is not doing my motivation any favors.

I need another Venti coffee from Starbucks if I have to sit here for another 5 hours…


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